action clicking sound

Joe And Penny Goss
Sun, 29 Jan 2006 14:21:15 -0700

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first check to see if the click is related to the key upstop rail alone. =
key stick alone, is it a damper note? ( that assenbly alone etc. etc. =
isolate parts. paper punchings not under felt?
Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Dave McKibben=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:28 PM
  Subject: action clicking sound=20

  I need some wisdom:

  I am working on a Schafer & Sons G-3 Grand piano that has two keys =
that have a 'clicking' sound.
  The clicking sound is not there when you play pp but is there with mf =
and up.

  What I did so far:
  Took the whippens out and visually inspected.  Did not see anything =
obvious and no missing felts.
  Regulate the action on those keys ( which were way off prior to =
inspection ).
  The jack is a little off to one side of the repetition lever window, =
but not more than many other keys that dont have a click.
  Lifted the damper up and held it while I played the key..... it still =

  One comment:
  The click sounds like a wooden click ( I'm not saying it is, just =
sounds like it ), but if I deaden the tricord strings with my finger, =
the loud click does not sound.  The hammers do sound a little hard and =
make a good ' thud ' when they hit the deadened strings.

  Does anyone have any ideas on what could be making the click, and what =
I could look for ???
  Many thanks to you all in advance.
  I really appreciate the opportunity to ask these type questions and =
get feedback from those with far more experience than myself.

  Dave McKibben

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