Ivers and Pond mandolin rail also needed, please...

gordon stelter lclgcnp@yahoo.com
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:30:44 -0800 (PST)

   Thanks for the response to my query! You may have
just saved me an arduous and expensive trip to Atlanta
to retrieve another ( Non I&P ) piano with this stuff,
just to bust it up  for the parts, which mighten't
have fit ( They were Strauch )      
    I still, though, could use a mandolin rail. This
piano has a  big lever in  the bass cheek block that
you yank to bring the rail down. The lever's there,
but the internal bell crank, connecting wire and rail
itself are gone. I COULD replace it with "Rinky-Tink"
supply house junk, but I'd much rather have an
original W,N&G, with heavy nickel-plated hardware and

--- JWyatt1492@aol.com wrote:

> Hello Mr. G.
>    What does the G. stand for?
> I have several of one  type of  W-N-G whip.
> Can you photo copy one that you
> have and fax it to me.
> Fax.  972 - 278 - 5116
> Jack Wyatt

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