Mandolin rail vs. muffler felt, and miscellaneous internal linkages.......

gordon stelter
Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:39:44 -0800 (PST)

Thanks. Maybe I&P was too "dignified" for mandolin
rails, but I sort of doubt it considering the
popularity of "all mandolin orchestas" at the time. I
would suspect that either option was available, and
mine's gonna have a mandolin rail.

     P.S. If anyone can conveniently  supply me with
photos of the internal linkages for the mandolin rail
and compensator tab lift rail, on the bass side
interior cabinet, that would also be greatly

--- wrote:

> Gordon,
> I have a customer with an I & P.  The cheek block
> lever connects to a
> *practice* rail (muffler rail), rather than a
> mandolin rail.  Same set up,
> this is original to the piano. Just for your info.

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