
Joel A. Jones jajones2 at wisc.edu
Thu Sep 14 20:39:04 MDT 2006


An exception to your excellent statement .
Recently while tuning in a dorm lounge I was joined by
  two young men carrying pizza boxes.  Immediately
the 50" TV blared on with music videos, 3 young
girls joined us and the party was rockin'.

As I walked over to the party a young lady who had
been studying at a table on the other side of the lounge
said loudly  "I bet you would like to have the noise
turned down".  Taking the cue I said "Yes, I can't hear
is there another place you could have your pizza party".

One young man with his baseball hat on frontwards said'
"Man I can't hear the TV for that piano pounding".
I bet you knew he was going to say that.

I screwed in my earplugs another notch and kept on
'pounding'.  Eventually, 10 minutes or so, they became
annoyed at the pounding and left.  Of course leaving
behind the pizza debris and the TV still thumpin'.

So, Mike it works 99 times out of 100 in my


Joel Jones, RPT
Madison, WI-
On Sep 13, 2006, at 5:34 AM, Mike Kurta wrote:

> My answer to folks who don't realize they are the source of background 
> noise is to kindly comment, "I could really do a better job if it was 
> quieter." This seems to hit home and has the desired effect.
>    Mike Kurta

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