softening crusty dampers

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco at
Wed Sep 20 07:48:47 MDT 2006

At 09:24 AM 9/20/2006 -0400, you wrote:
>  Hi folks,
>A couple of days ago, I worked on a piano that has spent a good portions 
>of it's life down by the old seashore.  There's rust in various places, 
>but nothing is disintegrating yet.  It's a '70s aeolian console (aaargh!).
>The most annoying problem, at least to the customer, is the buzzing sound 
>created when the dampers seat on the strings.  The crust that has 
>accumulated over time by the salt sea air has hardened the dampers 
>I've been wondering if anyone on this list has tried the various solutions 
>and/or voicing techniques that are commonly used on hammers to deal with 
>My thoughts:  squeeze, needle, file.
>Other possibilites:  alcohol-water, fabric softener, steam
>It isn't worth doing a damper replacement, IMHO.  That would probably cost 
>her more than she paid for the pso.
>Any comments or ideas?
>Dave Stahl

My 2¢??
Anything short of replacement is flogging a dead horse, IMMHO.
If she _really_ loves the beastie, you should tell her that.

Conrad Hoffsommer

All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.

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