Jack Spring punchings

John Ross jrpiano at win.eastlink.ca
Thu Oct 4 10:26:20 MDT 2007

I can't speak for most people, but for myself, I do.
42 past in 1979. 
Just seems like yesterday.   :-) or is that :-(   ? 
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
jrpiano at win.eastlink.ca
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <david at piano.plus.com>
To: <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:36 PM
Subject: Jack Spring punchings

> Please, oh please.......
> I will be 50 in 13 days.  Advanced decrepitude.......  I can't  tell you
> the quantity of sordid affairs I've forgotten......
> "And I'll be 42 in three months, and will likely forget the whole sordid
> affair due to crossing the magic line..."
> Do most people here glue jack springs in place in the wippen?
> Best regards,
> David.

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