[pianotech] Consensus of technique

Mike Kurta mkurta1 at comcast.net
Sat Dec 5 15:44:01 MST 2009

    I vote for overshoot and tune down.  Two reasons:  It seems smoother and 
more precise to let tension down to hit the correct pitch rather than pull 
up on the string against itself.  Also, the pull of the string against the 
pin is a rotational torque in a counterclockwise direction.  If the last 
movement of the pin is also in this direction, the top of the pin is already 
in harmony with the pull of the string, the twisting force of tightening the 
string is relaxed and the pin tends to stay where you leave it. In very 
tight pins this equalizes the pin twist from top to bottom.  Of course a 
moderate key blow is necessary during all this.  Does this make sense?
    Mike Kurta, RPT 

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