[pianotech] Pallet rod stops

G Cousins cousins_gerry at msn.com
Mon Dec 7 16:51:57 MST 2009

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: joegarrett at earthlink.net
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 13:46:34 -0800
Subject: [pianotech] Pallet Rod Stops??

Rob asked: "I'm
wondering if anyone is aware of a source for some unusual size tuning
pin bushings. These have an extra small hole in them, about the
diameter of a hammer shank. In fact a hammer shank will fit perfectly
snug in the hole. Most bushings have a 1/4" hole. I'm really not
certain what piano would have pins small enough for these. I don't want
them for a piano, I'm using them for organ pallet valve push rod stops
and these are absolutely perfect for this application. I have a very
limited supply of them and would like to find more as well as share
some with another colleague who also does this kind of work. I don't
know where the ones I have came from, they were in a box of
miscellaneous piano parts purchased many years ago by someone else."
Those, that you  describe are availble from Schaff :  page 95,  items  #345A-B-C.However, most pallet  rods,  for  pump organs  are  not 7/32",  but  rather 3/16"  in  my  experience.<G>
Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I

3/16" is correct Joe. 
In the past I've made my own out of maple stock.
Bore drill then Plug drill.  A bit challenging to jig up but once everything is set rather quick process.
Does allow for exacting measurements.
BTW what is the piano (?) you're working on a Tom thumb?   Just curious

Gerry C, RPT
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