[pianotech] Agraffe Reduction

Mon Dec 7 17:53:00 MST 2009

In a message dated 12/7/2009 6:47:53 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
paul at bruesch.net writes:

This  sounded a lot like one of those bogus emails purporting to clarify 
the  mysterious origin of every expression known to the language, so I thought 
I'd  see what I could find.

Initially skimming the following article, I  didn't immediately see the 
answer I was looking for, but I did see the heading  "Thumb Used For 
Regulation" (which pretty well describes how I sometimes feel  when trying to DO a 
regulation on a piano, but I digress...) _http://bit.ly/2YY76u_ 

AnOn  WeGo
Thanks, Paul, for the citation. Now, if I can get my thumb out of  
my....mouth...I'll get back to work. 

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