[pianotech] pitch raise

Matthew Todd toddpianoworks at att.net
Sun Dec 13 06:38:35 MST 2009

Tuning a single string from the tenor to the top is what I did when I first started.  Now I tune single strings in the tenor, then unisions, singles in the treble, unisions, followed by extreme treble.  After I am done, I found that it is much more stable!

--- On Sun, 12/13/09, rob at mccallpiano.com <rob at mccallpiano.com> wrote:

From: rob at mccallpiano.com <rob at mccallpiano.com>
Subject: Re: [pianotech] pitch raise
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Date: Sunday, December 13, 2009, 4:22 AM


The 2 light/second thing was sort of an average.  I did that in the bass.  Then at the tenor break, I went to an "overpull" that was probably closer to 6 lights/second on the sharp side and then did a linear decrease on that until the last octave was pretty much on pitch when I pulled it up. Or at least as linear as I could get!

Also, I believe you mentioned in a previous email that you tune a single string on the way up and one on the way back down?  I tuned all the strings from bottom to top in one pass.  Maybe that's the difference?

There are much greater minds on this list than mine, so I'll defer that to those that know...

Rob McCall

On Dec 12, 2009, at 19:55 , Matthew Todd wrote:

How in the heck were you able to do that?  I remember first doing pitch raises and bringing the piano just slightly above pitch as you mentioned.  But then, when I went back to the treble, I found that most dropped to below 25 cents or more!  It only took me a few of those to realize I needed a heck of a lot more overpull than what I was doing!  Otherwise I would be stuck with doing 2 pitch raises in a single appointment, or leave with a very unstable tuning.

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