[pianotech] Faulk tuning hammers

Norman Dutton duttonpiano at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 14 11:11:03 MST 2009


I'm interested in buying a new tuning hammer. I tried Dave Ilvedson's 
Faulk Titanium tuning hammer, and like it a lot. I have also been 
reading the enthusiastic endorsements of carbon fiber hammers from those 
of you who have bought them. I notice that the shortest Faulk carbon 
fiber (actually the CF-A and CF-T) hammers are 11", where the titanium 
hammers are 10 1/2" to 12". Dave's hammer is 10 1/2", and Ken Burton 
recommends a 10" hammer in his book, "Different Strokes". Do carbon 
fiber hammers work differently from titanium and steel, where it's 
better to have a longer hammer?

Norman Dutton
Dutton Piano Service

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