[pianotech] Matthew Todd loose damper lever lead. Forward from mypost from 11-21-09 Yamaha G1 - Loose under lever lead

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 15 22:11:11 MST 2009


He was away alright...

I'll try to give it a rest, but it is hard...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Tom Driscoll" <tomtuner at verizon.net>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 12/15/2009 8:03:01 PM
Subject: [pianotech] Matthew Todd loose damper lever lead. Forward from mypost from 11-21-09 Yamaha G1 - Loose under lever lead

> This is more detail from our discussion three weeks ago. You must have been away 
>from the list that week or you wouldn't have asked a question that was under such 
>recent discussion.
>Check out the other postings from 11-20- 09 through 11-21- 09
>Al Guecia among others had some suggestions .

> I'm a little late to this thread but several years ago I fashioned a tool for swedgeing 
>loose damper leads from an
>11".  45 degree needle nose pliers such as at this web site.


>I put the thing in a vice and gave the tips a few judicious wacks then dressed the 
>tips a bit . I think the fact that this is an inexpensive tool worked to my advantage 
>as it was pretty malleable and the 45 degree angle gives good access to the levers.  
>I make three or four dimples around the edge of the lead and it does the job. I've 
>made a few of these for some fellow techs with positive reports back. Under ten 
>bucks and no need to C.A.
>Tom Driscoll

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