[pianotech] Fwd: strings leveling

Mark Dierauf pianotech at nhpianos.com
Wed Dec 16 06:19:54 MST 2009

I use my string leveling tool to slightly depress the center string. 
Then the bubble gives an accurate reading of the plane of just the outer 
two strings. Once I have these where I want them I can bring the center 
string into line. Although the bubble isn't ideal, I feel it does help 
me to keep the unisons all more or less in the same plane, which saves 
time and effort when it comes to actually mating the hammers to the strings.

- Mark

David Nereson wrote:
> And if the middle string is high, the level could rock left or right, 
> giving a false indication; and if the middle string is low, the bubble 
> will still show level.  You don't need the bubble to see a gap between 
> the device and the string.
>    --David Nereson, RPT

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