[pianotech] Faulk tuning hammers

Norman Dutton duttonpiano at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 17 11:05:26 MST 2009

Thank you everyone, for your suggestions. I also posed this question to 
Charles Faulk, who responded that (I'm paraphrasing) because the CF 
hammers are stiffer, they can be longer, which is easier on your joints 
and muscles. And as Kent Swafford pointed out, one can always choke up 
on the handle, but you can't make it longer. I'm in the process of 
ordering an 11" CF-A hammer from Charles.

Norman Dutton
Dutton Piano Service

Norman Dutton wrote:
> List,
> I'm interested in buying a new tuning hammer. I tried Dave Ilvedson's 
> Faulk Titanium tuning hammer, and like it a lot. I have also been 
> reading the enthusiastic endorsements of carbon fiber hammers from 
> those of you who have bought them. I notice that the shortest Faulk 
> carbon fiber (actually the CF-A and CF-T) hammers are 11", where the 
> titanium hammers are 10 1/2" to 12". Dave's hammer is 10 1/2", and Ken 
> Burton recommends a 10" hammer in his book, "Different Strokes". Do 
> carbon fiber hammers work differently from titanium and steel, where 
> it's better to have a longer hammer?
> Norman Dutton
> Dutton Piano Service

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