[pianotech] Reversing Crown

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Thu Dec 24 06:40:16 MST 2009

> I was not there, but a reputable tech told me about this.  He had a NEW 
> grand piano with positive crown.  The strings were removed and it still 
> had positive crown.  The soundboard was remove, and it had negative 
> crown!  What do you make of this?
> Frank Emerson

This isn't unusual. I've seen a number of compression crowned 
boards with measurable crown (strings off) go concave when 
removed from the piano. The rim bevel holds bends thing into a 
crown, but there's no real load support.

Also, there's no useful information here about the condition 
before unstringing. It had positive crown. Where, how 
measured, and how much? Bearing? Again, where, and how much? 
There are plenty of techs out there that will measure crown at 
the longest rib and proclaim the board to be good when six 
ribs up, the crown is deeply concave.
Ron N

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