[pianotech] Reversing Crown

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Sat Dec 26 11:13:27 MST 2009

PAULREVENKOJONES at aol.com wrote:

> Thanks again, and happy new year (hoping to find a brain)

The brains are in adequate supply, that's not the problem. The 
concepts aren't all that difficult. The problems are mostly in 
letting go of the nonsense we've all been taught from the 
beginning and working through the available information 
connecting the considerably more rational cause and effect 
relationships that satisfy what we know of the real world 
physics. So it's a matter of using the brain as a tool rather 
than a buffer, if that makes any sense. In this particular 
area of knowledge, a deep mythology flush doesn't usually 
leave much to work with. That's hard for everyone.
Ron N

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