[pianotech] Tuning lever

Mark Purney mark.purney at mesapiano.com
Wed Aug 4 16:48:48 MDT 2010


I own both the Fujan and the Faulk and use both of them about equally. I 
wouldn't part with either of them. They each have a different look, feel 
and balance point, and I will sometimes switch from one to the other 
depending on how the tuning pins are responding. And having dealt with 
both Charles and Steve, they are both passionate about what they do, and 
genuine, decent people who are a pleasure to deal with.

That being said, the Fujan is stiffer (not opinion - I've seen them 
compared on the deflect-o-meter, but sorry, I don't remember the 
numbers). This is due to the diameter of the carbon tube being so large, 
and also because of the massive machined aluminum head that connects the 
tube to the tuning tip. I find this extra stiffness to be of particular 
advantage when you're fighting with a pinblock that is inconsistent, 
jumpy, spongy, or just too tight.

And if anyone sees a copycat product that looks like a Fujan (but with 
an inferior head design), please consider supporting the true inventor 
who worked so hard to develop the concept and bring it to us. In my 
opinion, Steve deserves to reap the benefit from his innovation, which 
has elevated the performance of the most important tool we use in our 

On 8/4/2010 1:23 PM, Porritt, David wrote:
> David:
> Since you have a Fujan as I do, I'd be interested in your view of the Faulk CF lever.  My Fujan dates back to the aluminum tube model so I have been interested in the CF lever but they now are quite expensive.  The Faulk is considerably less but I have wondered about the stiffness since the tube is much smaller than on the Fujan.  The stiffness is my favorite part of the Fujan.  Any observations of the Faulk would be appreciated.
> dave
> David M. Porritt, RPT
> dporritt at smu.edu

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