[pianotech] mold

Leslie Bartlett l-bartlett at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 10 20:56:51 MDT 2010

I have a church client with a Baldwin Hamilton needing new hammers (which
have been ordered) because the felts are coming unglued.   They also have
some mold on the inside of the piano. It's not a great amount, but I haven't
a clue as to how to deal with the problem. They have problems with 3-4 other
pianos as well. Newly installed dampp chasers should stop it, and changes to
their AC should lower humidity to well within tolerable limits (56% today,
as opposed to 75% a few weeks ago).  How do I deal with this problem, other
than tell them the piano is shot, or make sure the outside is spotless?


Les bartlett

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