[pianotech] toy piano tone bar help

Kent Swafford kswafford at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 20:20:05 MDT 2010

The description of the tines you give is the exact description of current model tines in Schoenhut toy pianos. 

It might be a long shot, but you might see if Schoenhut would sell you some parts. There are 18, 25, 30, and 37 note models.


Kent Swafford

PS - Check out the toy piano videos at:


On Aug 14, 2010, at 6:15 PM, David Doremus wrote:

> After some pleading I took on the restoration of an old toy piano for a long time customer, it was her grand mothers and she wants her grand child to play it. The tough problem is that it has 7 notes missing. These are round rods, tapered and flattened at one end and driven into a bar that bolts to the case. I can easily make something that looks exactly like whats there but it won't ring like the old ones. Does anyone have any suggestions about steel, hardness, termination, anything that I might be missing? Feel free to write back off list as this is not really piano related...
> --Dave
>   New Orleans
> -- 

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