[pianotech] Webb Phillips' passing

David Skolnik davidskolnik at optonline.net
Mon Aug 16 00:05:25 MDT 2010

Ruth -
So sorry to hear about Webb's passing, which, had my car not rebelled 
at taking my family to our brief vacation at the Cape, I would have 
been unaware of for considerably longer.  Webb was an important part 
of my experience when I was attending conventions, as well as the 
numerous times he made the pilgrimage to present to the NYC 
chapter.  Who but he could wear those colors?  I will miss him.
With affection,
David Skolnik

At 03:12 PM 8/15/2010, you wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>Webb died Thursday evening. We had held a fun and festive
>celebration for him for the Golden Hammer last month, trying
>to recreate the banquet experience I got to enjoy. He had
>a wonderful time and knew what the award meant. His primary
>ailment was Parkinson's, and he was enjoying life up to the end.
>Arrangements are private in keeping with his wishes.
>Ruth Phillips
>ruth at alliedpiano.com

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