[pianotech] repeat busines

daniel carlton carltonpiano at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 18 12:19:16 MDT 2010

The reputation of being hard to get and way too busy spreads just like any other 
kind of reputation (like being prone to nag about repeat tunings, or not 
returning calls, or being slipshod, or always coming late, or charging a lot 
more than others...

This is hard to admit, but I can pretty much check this whole list for myself: 
being prone to nag about repeat tunings
not returning calls
being slipshod
always coming late
charging a lot more than others

I didn't do these things all the time, but enough to make a difference probably. 
I've had lots of people schedule with me regularly who are actually still 
calling me regularly and still feel I'm one of the better technicians here, but 
the lack of business sense or even some just plain common sense has hurt my 
business. But I've also had just as many not call back again, even though I've 
left messages, etc.

I think some of this is why I'm in the middle of a possible career change. It's 
a painful lesson that anyone else who needs to, should learn from.

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