[pianotech] repeat business

Mike Kurta mkurta1 at charter.net
Wed Aug 18 15:13:16 MDT 2010

    I can almost guarantee the customer will NOT call you back if you leave a message on their machine.  You have just given them an easy way out of not using your services by not returning your call.
    If a machine answers, I'll call back another day at another time, and again if necessary until I get a real person.  Then your powers of gentle persuasion come into play.  I might say, "Mrs. Piano Owner, I was at your home a 12 months ago, would your piano like to see me again this year?"  It's a sort of offhand humerous question that takes the burden of saying yes or no from the owner and puts it on the piano itself.  I get a higher repeat rate using this approach, though it might not be right for everyone.  
    Mike Kurta, RPT
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