[pianotech] Climate Control (was: Repeat Business)

Rob McCall rob at mccallpiano.com
Tue Aug 24 20:36:03 MDT 2010

That's why I apologized in advance!  :-)

A bit of anecdotal evidence of my fetish...  I had a root canal last week and the dentist had one of those TV's in the ceiling. Then they gave me headphones to listen to the TV while they worked on my tooth.

The hygienist asks if I want a movie...? the news...? Sports?

What do I pick?

The Weather Channel!  :-)  She gave me this strange look and mentioned that I was the first to ask for TWC. But, Jim Cantore and the smooth jazz of weather on the 8's got me through my root canal!  :-)


On Aug 24, 2010, at 19:25 , William Monroe wrote:

> OK smarty pants.  In the immortal words of Joe Garrett, "Phhhzzzzzztttttt!!!"
> You are right, and you know, I know this information.  Amazing how when we look at fancy gizmos we loose sight of the basics.  Thanks for keeping me honest.  I'll go back to staring out the window at my anemometer - at least the variations in wind speed aren't an inverse function of anything................are they?!?!
> <:-[

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