[pianotech] help

Ursula Hammerling ursulapianotuning at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 19 16:01:02 MST 2010


I very much like an answer to a problem, that I encountered today. 
I wanted to open a Premier Baby Grand 4'9" and I stumbled upon a problem removing
action. I removed the fall board with cheek blocks attached, and the
key slip. There were no other screws holding the action in place. I
also removed part of the trap work since I thought, that the broken 'soft' pedal
might have something sticking upward to make removing of the action
impossible. I was able to lift the front of the action up so I could
look underneath, whether a screw might have been drilled through the
key bead and so impeding the removal of the action. There was nothing
visible. The bass side of the action gave way to about 1/8 of an inch,
the treble side moved nothing. (The sustain pedal shifts from right to
left). The action felt like being screwed to the back of the piano.

Does anybody have an idea what I might have missed?

Thanks for looking at this.

Ursula Hammerling, RPT

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