[pianotech] HF MF Airtool alert

Joe DeFazio defaziomusic at verizon.net
Thu Jul 1 00:59:19 MDT 2010

> From: Allied PianoCraft <alliedpianocraft at hotmail.com>
> Date: June 29, 2010 9:11:21 PM EDT
> My take on it. Air power is more expensive to use and you must deal with an air hose vs an electric cord. I like electric for ease of use.
> Al Guecia

Good points, Al.  I went ahead and downloaded the manual.  It looks like this tool consumes a *lot* of air: 8-16 scfm at 90psi, depending on use.  I can only hang until about 11 or 12 scfm with continuous use.  I thought I'd mention the high rate of air consumption in case someone with a little compressor was considering it.  Now, I'm not trying to make anyone with a little pancake compressor feel bad, or anything : )  But then again, if you have a little pancake, just get a big compressor too - you'll be glad you did for many jobs around the shop.

The reason I was interested in the air model is that my corded HF multi-tool runs pretty hot when put to tough tasks such as pinblock removal, and hard-working air tools generally last much longer than similar tools with little universal electric motors.  I was also half-hoping that it might be forward-vented, though from what little I can tell by looking at the manual and schematic, I'm guessing that it's rear-vented.  Front venting can be annoying in that it can blow swarf or sawdust into your eyes, but in this case, I though it might be an advantage if it cooled and cleared the blade a bit and prevented swarf from being recut ad infinitum, which is a major source of heat buildup and resulting burning maple.  If anyone has one, I'd be interested to know if it is indeed rear-vented (as I presume from the schematic, unfortunately), and also your general impressions of its usefulness and build quality.


Joe DeFazio
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