[pianotech] PTG Convention and Bally's

PianoTek4u at aol.com PianoTek4u at aol.com
Thu Jul 1 13:43:04 MDT 2010

Dear List Members:
First, I would like to express my appreciation to the Piano Technicians  
Guild for throwing one heck of a convention and party at Bally's in Vegas.   
My focus this time was on hammers and voicing and I thank Andre Oorebeek and  
Paul Rea for the epiphany in those areas and let my gratitude not go 
unmentioned  to the other fine instructors and courses I was fortunate to attend 
this past  weekend.
Secondly, the convention was a great opportunity to reconnect with those I  
met at the California Convention in Burbank last year.  The biggest  
surprise was seeing my traveling buddy, Bob, from Connecticut who, with Paul Rea  
and his wife Dorie, made up the foursome that went to Hradec Kralove and 
Prague  Memorial Day of 2009.
Unfortunately, I did not know about the online tech gathering on Tuesday at 
 noon.  I did meet Dale Probst who was trying to put this together and 
spoke  to him briefly while things were still up in the air, but I didn't see 
anything  posted on the bulletin board and so assumed it was not going to 
happen.   However, I did meet a few contributors by chance in the lobby or 
elevators of  the hotel.
I have read some of the posts about Bally's Hotel and their negative  
experience.  On the other side of the coin, my room on the 25th floor of  the 
North Tower was clean, spacious, and had an incredible view.  Being the  type 
that will talk to anyone, I got to know my housekeeper whose work was  
impeccable.  I certainly understand the feeling of those who do not find a  casino 
their cup of tea, but there are also those who love the ambiance and  
adrenaline rush once one enters the world of bells, whistles, and flashing  
lights, myself included whereby one walk-through will provide a panoramic view  
of the good, the bad, and the ugly and everything in between.......it's just 
a  microcosm of life itself compressed, like a Rococo artwork, into a world 
of  shallow elegance.  As for the cost of dining, the days of the 99 cent  
breakfast and the $3.99 steak dinner went with the expulsion of the Mob.   
Some have already mentioned Ellis Island behind the casino which provided food 
 at a very reasonable cost and it was tasty to boot!  Regardless of where a 
 convention is held, it pays to get out and explore a little bit and I have 
 little doubt that hotel food will be more costly than at dining venues  
Be that as it may, I hope the opportunity to meet more of those on the list 
 will present itself in the future, and once again, my heartfelt thanks to 
all  who worked so hard  to provide this opportunity and whose presence so  
wonderfully enhanced my experience in being there.
Anthony G. Bajada
PTG Assoc.
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