[pianotech] business

Jon Page jonpage at comcast.net
Fri Jul 2 06:18:47 MDT 2010

>The higher hourly rate is pretty easy to quote over the phone.

My fee has morphed into a workable schedule. The first .5 hr.
is $55 locally and then $80/hr thereafter.  I ask them how much time
they would like to schedule. Basic is 1.5 hr @ $135. Yesterday, two
pianos went .5 hr over the basic with action maintenance and the fee
was $175.  People understand this pretty well.  For long time customers
where I know the piano and can simply tune and get in and out in an hour
or less, I'll charge $85. When scheduling a time with the customer, I'll give
a .5 hour window with the first tuning and an hour window on subsequent
tunings, this allows for service without a time crunch.

I started giving a time window after one women scowled that I was
15 minutes late. I said no, I was early because usually I'm a half hour late.

Further away from the shop has a higher first half hour fee,
commensurate with the number of pianos in that area.

People are funny... somewhat. One guy 'just picked up a free Acrosonic'.
A few strings are broken and a few notes don't work.  He wanted it
cleaned and tuned. I said it would take at least two hours. To which he
said that it shouldn't because the piano teacher said it 'shouldn't take
too long to fix".  After some minor disagreement banter, he decided he'd
call someone else. Obviously he needed someone with more experience.
Good Reddens.

Although, I still have one $20 customer, a 90+ y/o daughter of the long ago
local piano tuner who lives just up the street. She gave me most of his tools
many years ago. She has not seen a price increase in over 30 years.
She always gives me a $5 tip. Bless her heart, makes my day.


Jon Page
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