[pianotech] Ethics was Re: business

tnrwim at aol.com tnrwim at aol.com
Fri Jul 2 22:01:11 MDT 2010

Terry said:

Quite simply I find these pianos a pain in the a$$ and they take more time to tune - so I want to charge more.


There are two statements here that apply to charging more. One is ethical, the other is not. 

"they take more time to tune".  We sell our services by the time it takes to do our work.  If a piano takes more time to tune, then you should charge more.

"I find these pianos a pain in the a$$". How a piano make you feel is your problem, and the customer should not be made to pay for it. 

Our Code of Ethics says: "2. I will render the best possible service under the circumstances, always keeping the best interest of my client in mind."  We need to keep the best interest of our customer in mind when we tune a piano, NOT what our opinion is of the piano. The same applies to how we feel about doing certain tasks, like repairing or regulating, and under what circumstances we have to work, or how important the work is.  

We should have a standard hourly fee for doing our work, and stick to it, regardless of the type or condition of the piano or the customer. Yes, we have the right to charge what we want, but it needs to be the same rate for everyone, and for everything we do. 

That's the way I interpret the code of ethics. 


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