[pianotech] Getting started...

Tom Rhea, Jr. rheapiano at cox.net
Sat Jul 3 21:33:16 MDT 2010


I'm getting a really late start as a piano technician.  I've - essentially -
completed the Randy Potter Piano Technology course and have been tuning for
a few months.  Business is - to put it bluntly - horrible!  After a flurry
of interest, I'm finding it very difficult to drum up new business in the
Hampton Roads, VA area.  There are several RPTs and other technicians
locally, but not enough - I think - to cover all the needs of the community.
Since I'm 65, I don't have a lot of time to go before I'll just be too old
to continue, but I'd like to be as effective and prolific as I can be, given
my limited longevity. Any ideas on how to jump-start my business?



Tom Rhea, Jr.

Rhea Piano Service


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