[pianotech] WNG Parts Question(s)

A440A at aol.com A440A at aol.com
Tue Jul 6 06:43:39 MDT 2010

Al writes: 

>>I just don't understand all this Steinway bashing!
 Steinway is on more concert stages than any other piano.
 Steinway is requested by more artist than any other piano.
 What does that say about the Steinway bashers?

Perhaps, Al, you are not seeing what is being bashed.   The pianos from New 
York can be made to sound and play great.   However, what is being bashed 
is the attitude that all Steinways are superior, when experience has told 
many of us that maybe 10% of Steinways are superior and the other 90% range 
from good to mediocre, to "I can't believe they would sell such a piece of 
   What is being bashed on is the hypocritical stance the factory 
maintains.   The public has been sold a bill of goods by all these excessively 
maintained concert instruments being used to market the brand while many 
instruments go out well under the standard the factory would have us believe that all 
pianos meet.   
     From all the years of taking old ones apart, and seeing what the new 
ones are like, I certainly know that they don't build them today like they 
did when the company made its reputation, yet they are still carrying on like 
they do. 
I think they are trading on the name, and selling some dogs.   It is not 
just the production line, either.   I know that the restoration department is 
capable of doing an incredibly shoddy job and stonewalling when the customer 
    It is the arrogance and hypocracy that gets most of the bashing. 
Ed Foote RPT
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