[pianotech] 1" x 42" Vertical Sander epiphany!!!!!

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 7 10:08:27 MDT 2010

There is a Tool God!!!<G> Last year I bought a spare "tire" for my band saw. Haven't had to use it yet, so it's been residing on the peg board above the saw. It was made by the Sulphur Grove Tool Co., in Ohio, 1-800-657-5064! The "tire" is made out of  Urethane and is 1" wide....just like my drive wheel on my sander, (that, very uncerimoniously disintegrated yesterday!)!! On the package is a list of the sizes that the "tires" are available in. ALSO, there is a "box" that says: (drum roll and rim shot)...."Custom Size"!!! Yeeeehaaawwwww! Called and got a hold of  a nice fellow, (suspect the owner/operator), and YES they can make new "tires" for my beloved 1/ x 42" Sander!!! (I ordered enough for  both large wheels and both of the idler wheels). They offer 2 different thicknesses as well.., which works just fine for my purpose. This is info that needs to be spread around, for all of the "tool nuts" that need such stuff. Pass it on!
One happy camper, today,...back to making little ones out of big ones and sawdust!

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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