[pianotech] Steingraeber

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Wed Jul 7 15:25:04 MDT 2010

At 22:06 -0500 6/7/10, Ron Nossaman wrote:

>Concept alert! It's not the agraffe system that negates the need for 
>downbearing, it's that the board is stiff enough without it, to not 
>need it. The agraffe system adds significant mass to the system, 
>which would enhance sustain.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to add a bit of lead to the bridge?

How thick is this soundboard really? Does anybody know exactly? 
Somebody said about 1/8".  Since a carbon-fibre/epoxy composite has a 
specific gravity roughly 4 times that of spruce, that would make the 
mass of the board (without bars) equivalent to a spruce board 1/2" 
thick.  As to stiffness, I have no way of knowing, but to compare the 
two I would get a plank of spruce 2 feet long by 3" wide and 1/2" 
thick, hang a 50 lb. weight from the middle and see how far it went 
down.  I'd then do the same with a 1/8" thick strip of the CF 
material of the same dimensions.  Whichever went down less would win. 
I won't allow intuition to give me the answer because I have no 
familiarity with carbon fibre.


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