[pianotech] Are we fading?

tnrwim at aol.com tnrwim at aol.com
Wed Jul 7 16:23:19 MDT 2010


I read somewhere that the mean age of PTG members is about 59. That means there are as many members older than that as younger
That would be the median would it not?

It could very well be. What's the difference between median, and mean?

-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Bartlett <l-bartlett at sbcglobal.net>
To: pianotech <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:45 am
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Are we fading?


I read somewhere that the mean age of PTG members is about 59. That means there are as many members older than that as younger
That would be the median would it not?

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