[pianotech] Softening Hammers on Palatino Upright

Gregor _ karlkaputt at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 8 01:14:47 MDT 2010

Sorry for the misinformation I gave. The other day I saw a Wendl & Lung (Hailun made) from 2005 and in the same week I tuned a Palatino from 2005. I was convinced that they came from the same factory as they looked identical, aside from the cabinet. The plate, pedal mechanism including the springs that make noise, the practice rail (middle pedal) and so on......

Could it be that in 2005 both brands were made by Hailun? 

There is a German Website where a local competitor of mine claims to be the designer of "the new Palatino upright" and of "the new Palatino grand". His name is Matthias Bettich. I don´t know him in person, but had some "trouble" with him because he copied some text of my homepage word by word into his homepage and had a disclaimer on his website that all content of his website is protected by copyright. Indeed.


piano technician - tuner - dealer
Münster, Germany

From: pianoguru at cox.net
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 22:46:52 -0400
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Softening Hammers on Palatino Upright

Gregor said:
>BTW, Palatino is a Hailun.

The owners of Palatino and Hailun are personal friends, 
but they are not the same  ....  very different factories, designs, 
model, etc.  There may be some friendly sharing of ideas, much as we do on 
this list, but nothing more.
Frank Emerson,
General Designer, Hailun Piano 		 	   		  
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