[pianotech] Tuning a temperament without counting beats

Duaine Hechler dahechler at att.net
Fri Jul 9 23:58:48 MDT 2010


I started to read this, keeping an open mind and try to understand it

then got down to the middle of page 1 "You have probably heard of the
4:5 Ratio of Contiguous M3s"

Yes , but don't understand it ....

but kept reading ............

top of page two ..... so much for NOT counting beats/

/down to the middle of the page - lost again

now page 3 - step 3 - counting beats again (at 7 beats per second)

step 6 - progressing slightly in the rate of beating  ...............

back to counting and keeping track of beats again.

PLUS - now - may have to go back and re-tune F3 and F4 (and other octaves)

Page 5 - "ET has no beatless P4s and P5s"

Steps 18 & 19 - talks about the beatless P4s and P5s - you - just -
tuned (what???)

read through to the end ............

Summary sequence...........

Steps 13 - 21 - "comparing" beats - wow - thats just another way of
saying - oh - now - I have to count the beats - and - remember them.

When trying to find out which way to go faster or slower or "beating
exactly the same" - guess what - BS - you - still - are - counting - beats.

Finally - I really wanted to try this so I tried my damnedest to really
understand this - but ....



Floyd Gadd wrote:
> The excerpt below appears in posting from earlier today under the
> heading, "Are we fading."  It deserves to appear under a more accurate
> subject heading, so here it is:
> http://www.billbremmer.com/articles/et_via_marpurg.pdf
> Duaine,
> The above link is by Bill Bremmer, read this and spend some time doing it,  you will be happy you did. Simply compare beat rates, no counting beats, its different and it works. 
> Enjoy,
> Paul Milkie

Duaine Hechler
Piano, Player Piano, Pump Organ
Tuning, Servicing & Rebuilding
Reed Organ Society Member
Florissant, MO 63034
(314) 838-5587
dahechler at att.net
Home & Business user of Linux - 10 years

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