[pianotech] Hammer tapering methods?

Chuck Behm behmpiano at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 12:09:00 MDT 2010

Will Truitt wrote >Slick, JD.  Could you share with us your jig for holding
the hammer?<

>I'm left-handed.  The plane goes upside down in my right hand and I
hold the hammer felt with the thumb and the top joint of the third
finger, with the index finger at the tail of the moulding, and pull
the hammer over the blade.  The cost: a little blood if you don't
learn quickly!


John - That describes exactly my method for tapering the end of for
soundboard shims. Putting a boat shape into the end of the shim is easiest
this way.  I had to laugh when I read this. Thought I was the only one crazy
enough to risk slicing my thumb off that way. Chuck Behm
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