[pianotech] Ramp Plans - PTJ Reprints

tnrwim at aol.com tnrwim at aol.com
Mon Jul 12 13:37:39 MDT 2010


You probably won't have a problem, but perhaps you can reinforce the middle by attaching a 2x4, with beveled ends, in the middle of the ramp. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Floyd Gadd <fg at floydgadd.com>
To: pianotech <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Mon, Jul 12, 2010 8:09 am
Subject: [pianotech] Ramp Plans - PTJ Reprints

I'm getting ready to build the ramp described in the "Rebuilding" section of the PTJ reprints--3/4 inch birch plywood, 8 feet long, reinforced on the sides for rigidity, etc.  
My question:  Would I be compromising the design to build it 7 or 8 inches wider than the 21 1/2 inches specified in the article?  Would I lose strength, since the center of the ramp would be farther from the side reinforcements?  
Some time ago I picked up a set of  "roll-or-kari" trucks, but they were the wider ones, designed for the Hammond B3, and they have a width of 28 inches.  I would like the ramp to be able to accommodate this configuration, as well as the 18" wide flat dolly I use for for smaller pianos.
Floyd Gadd
Manitoba Chapter

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