[pianotech] Rim joint repair

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Mon Jul 12 15:22:41 MDT 2010

At 12:03 -0500 12/7/10, you wrote:

>Ebony here also, so I hope to do similarly.

Certainly not ebony.  Most of the old German black pianos were 
veneered in pearwood stained black. A rather nasty wood.

Judging from your picture, if there is really movement at the joint 
in the rim, then I'd put two or three 3" countersunk screws through 
from the bent side into the straight side and fill flush with 
polyester.  If there is movement then it requires a great force to 
pull the parts back together and there's a very good chance that 
force will be sufficient to pull out the new dowels just as it has 
pulled out the old ones.

For the cracks in the veneer I would fill with clear liquid polyester resin.


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