[pianotech] RPT Exam

Israel Stein custos3 at comcast.net
Mon Jul 12 16:15:09 MDT 2010


Besides the sourcebooks recommended elsewhwere on this list (I second the recommendation, BTW) you can find lots of exam information on the PTG Website, in the Members Section. Login information should be on your PTG dues receipt. You can also subscribe to the Examprep e-mail list (open to members only) - you'll find lots of good information in the archives, and you can post specific questions to that list - and have experienced examiners answer them. You'll find subscription information on the PTG website. You can also find out a lot by attending chapter meetings. 

Israel Stein 

On: Jul 07/12/10 2:39 PM Karl Park" <karl.park at gmail.com> wrote: 

>Hi all, 

>I recently joined PTG as an associate, and my goal is to pass RTP Exam and become RTP. 

>Could you please help me find out what to prepare, what to expect etc in order to successfully pass the exam? 
(where, when, for how long, the prceduer, how to apply for the exam etc...) 

>I just began learning to tune the piano, although I played piano since when I was kid, so I am totally newbie on piano tuning and piano technology. 
Even though I have a job as a software engineer, I am studying/practicing all I can do in the hope of transition to full time piano tuner in 5-10 years, and my first goal is to pass this exam. 

>If I could get some information on RPT exam, that would be very much appreciated. 
Best regards, 
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