[pianotech] Harpsichord soundboard ribbing

George F Emerson pianoguru at cox.net
Tue Jul 13 13:24:46 MDT 2010

Harpsichord tech's:

In my limited experience with harpsichord service, it has always seemed odd that the ribbing patterns are so irregular and seem to avoid crossing under the bridge.  This combined with the back pinning of the brdige seems to cause the "crown" to distort in a rough S-shape.  In two cases, I have seem such distortion that the vibrating strings, in some areas, buzz on the surface of the soundboard.   What is the best way to repair this?  Is there a logical reason to avoid having ribs corss under the bridge(s)?  I expect that it needs to be opened from the bottom and some modification made to the ribbing to provide sufficient support to keep the strings off the surface of the soundboard.  Any help would be appreciated.

Frank Emerson
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