[pianotech] Wixie inclinometer

Allen Wright akwright at btopenworld.com
Tue Jul 13 17:03:54 MDT 2010

I'm intrigued by this device; is there a simple formula (based on  
speaking length of string, etc.) that one can apply to translate the  
angle information which I presume this device provides into a  
meaningful downbearing measurement (front and rear)?

Currently in our shop we use a device that directly measures the  
bearing (via three "legs" positioned directly over the termination  
points and bridge and using a straightedge to measure the gap); but  
it's as long as the strings and thus very bulky - to big to take it  
out of the shop, in other words. A little device like the  
inclinometer could be very handy indeed. Also, I find the Lowell  
gauge hard to use, and I don't seem to be able to reconcile the  
readings I get with it from the direct readings using our "life- 
sized" device.

Any helpful advice will be appreciated.


Allen Wright, RPT

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