[pianotech] Appraisal

Noah Frere noahfrere at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 14:48:12 MDT 2010

These are generally the sort of replies I expected, and I thank you all for
them. My *main *concern is not getting into trouble with the law, and by
stating in my evaluation that it's my OPINION, it looks like I can avoid it.

If I were a busy tuner, I probably would stay out of this. But since I just
moved and am only doing one tuning/week, I welcome this opportunity. Even if
it does turn into a bigger issue than I hope it to, with 1 tuning a week I
can probably find time to deal with it and learn something besides.

My plan then is to call the gentleman back, and to stess that if I go out
there, that I am going, not to represent him or his case, but merely to give
a piano evaluation. If I find nothing particularly wrong with the piano,
then he wastes a hundred bucks.
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