[pianotech] Sohmer council

RonLindquist rrlindquist at peoplepc.com
Thu Jul 15 19:14:28 MDT 2010

Have a new client,  music teacher that has a 1986 Sohmer that she 
bought used.  I tuned it for the first time today.  It's tone 
was  grating to say the least.  She didn't like it since she moved it 
to this location in 2003.
There are about 4 octaves where the single string , I mute the side 
strings,  sound like there are two strings out of tune.  The single 
string seems to be emitting a loud partial. The side strings, muted 
so they are single do the same thing.  I've had pianos where a 
section of string was bad but then they usually broke.
Told her I would get back to her after  I talked to  the  "experts" 
--- you guys.
My first thought was that the strings weren't seated on the treble 
bridge.   Didn't have time or my brass punch to try seating.
I would appreciate any comments  or insight to the problem.
Ron Lindquist

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