[pianotech] broken piano leg

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 15 23:52:00 MDT 2010

Jack asked: "Any suggestion on this repair, I have a few ideas but want to hear from anyone who has done this.
The customer does not want to spend a lot of money so I want to know how it can be reinforced,
and done at the customers home. The base part of the leg and the post are still in one piece.

The customer NEVER wants to spend any money!<G> I'd suggest the customer go to the nearest pharmacy and get a crutch, (adjustable), and prop the damned piano up with that!<G>
Of course, any repair you make will have to match the finish perfectly and look like the original leg. And...I suspect someone did something stupid to break the leg, in the first place. My solution....walk/run away.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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