[pianotech] Janssen Piano

Sy Zabrocki sypianoguy at bresnan.net
Sun Jul 18 22:01:00 MDT 2010

Joe: You are very observing. Now that I study it out it does look like two crates. But the first crate doesn't look long enough for a big upright. I tune for these people about every two years. Maybe I'll learn more about it.

From: Joseph Garrett 
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 10:39 PM
To: pianotech 
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Janssen Piano

Sy said: "I was out on a Montana ranch tuning a nice old Janssen upright. Hanging on the wall above the piano was an unusual framed picture. It was a photo of this 1913 crated Janssen piano being delivered by horse and wagon in the winter. 

Check out the attachment.

Notice the sturdy wood crate. The piano came by rail and the last 18 miles by horse and wagon. The young boy in the horse grew up to be the father or grandfather (not sure) of the lady who still owns the piano. The white house is still there but has an addition. 

This family is very attached to this piano. The lady was kind enough to scan the photo and send me a copy."

Are my olde eyes wrong, or do I see two piano crates? I wonder if the neighbors got a piano of the same make, at the same time?<G> It's amazing that the pianos survived such extreme conditions!

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I

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