[pianotech] Old Janssen piano

Paul T Williams pwilliams4 at unlnotes.unl.edu
Mon Jul 19 14:10:50 MDT 2010


I had a customer with an old upright...inside some old tech signed, "Nome, 
Alaska" 1909.  Ya gotta wonder how it got there, the stories behind it, 
etc.  No bullet holes in it, so I figured it must have been for a 
missionary project. That's all there were....saloon or church in those 
days!   Maybe today as well :>)


"J. Stanley Ryberg" <jstan40 at sbcglobal.net>
pianotech at ptg.org
07/19/2010 02:47 PM
Re: [pianotech] Old Janssen piano

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Sy Zabrocki <sypianoguy at bresnan.net> 
I was out on a Montana ranch tuning a nice old Janssen upright. Hanging on 
the wall above the piano was an unusual framed picture. It was a photo of 
this 1913 crated Janssen piano being delivered by horse and wagon in the 
Check out the attachment.
Notice the sturdy wood crate. The piano came by rail and the last 18 miles 
by horse and wagon. The young boy in the horse grew up to be the father or 
grandfather (not sure) of the lady who still owns the piano. The white 
house is still there but has an addition. 
This family is very attached to this piano. The lady was kind enough to 
scan the photo and send me a copy.
Sy Zabrocki-RPT

The Williams & Sons upright piano sitting just behind me as I write this 
has a similar story to tell...though not as long a train ride.  My 
grandfather, a country preacher in central Illinois at the time, bought it 
new in 1913, coincidentally...and it was shipped downstate by train, then 
the last few miles by horse-drawn wagon in just such a crate.  It traveled 
later (in that crate) around North Dakota and Minnesota, ending up with my 
part of the family in about 1950 (though that crate, having been used as a 
fort by my uncles, was long since reduced to kindling wood).  It came to 
me in about 1982 and now shares a room with a 1914 S&S "O."  The old 
upright enjoys the distinction of never having been resold...as does that 
Janssen in the picture!

Stan Ryberg 
Barrington IL 
jstan40 at sbcglobal.net

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