[pianotech] Ecsaine Replacement

Tom Driscoll tomtuner at verizon.net
Wed Jul 21 14:03:07 MDT 2010

  Subject: [pianotech] Ecsaine Replacement

        I will be replacing ecsaine on a music desk next month, and I wanted to get some input first.

        My main concern/focus will be utilizing a way to protect the desk while I take a chisel to remove the old fabric.

        I would appreciate any advice you can give, thank you.

        Matthew Todd

          How about this ------  Be careful.

        Seriously though, Just pull off the old material and scrape off the residue . A sharp chisel or better yet a small cabinet scraper
          pulling toward you at whatever angle works. This technique  is very easy to control 
        Best wishes,
         Tom Driscoll
         Tom D.

        This link to a fancy carbide scraper but a search under "cabinet scraper" revealed options to purchase, sharpen along with some   You Tube "how to" videos 
        The plain old steel scrapers are able to be dressed and sharpened. (Kind of like Phil Bondi ) 


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