[pianotech] Charging by job, or by hour?

William Monroe bill at a440piano.net
Wed Jul 21 22:49:29 MDT 2010


Hours x Hourly wage = price

Thing is, hours is variable from one piano to another so there are
additions/subtractions, and my skill is reflected in my hourly wage.  Of
course it's not arbitrary, no one has suggested that.  Not me, not Jack, not
anyone.  We each determine a cost of a job in our own way, reflecting our
own experiences and skill levels, either as a straight hourly rate or some
configuration that involves hours, difficulties, hazards, etc., etc.  Just
because I don't understand how Jack or anyone else arrives at their prices,
doesn't invalidate them.

I think every one of us (OK, most every one) chooses to quote a price for a
job with some variation of this thought process.  Strict, hourly rates is
not the only way to price, and it most certainly is not the only ethical way
to price.  There are other variants and they are legitimate, even if they
aren't the way you (or I) do it.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 10:49 PM, <tnrwim at aol.com> wrote:

>  I use an hours chart too, but I don't live by it.  If a job has unique
> problems, it also has a unique price.  ;-]
> William R. Monroe
> You are absolutely right. But, again, this is where I was coming from. You
> have a price chart. How did you arrive at your prices? There's got to be
> some sort of "formula", or something that made you come up with a price for
> a job? Or did you just arbitrarily pick a number out of the air?
> Wim
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