[pianotech] Abel naturals - report

KeyKat88 at aol.com KeyKat88 at aol.com
Fri Jul 23 09:18:32 MDT 2010

JD wrote:
<The hammers I get from Abel are 
<not concave at the top as they used to be and I think they face them 
<up at the factory after cutting, which I am glad of.

              I attended roger Jolly's voicing class at MARC. He spoke 
about "cupped" shape hammers and how the cupping occurs as a result of the 
cutter which cuts the whole hammer "brick"< (don't know if thats the right term) 
into 88 hammers.
           As I understand him, the cupping is an indicator that each 
individual hammer has less stress/tension at its sides actually because the 
cutting relieves the stress when they go into 88 separate pieces, thereby the 
sides have less stress and the center has more. I understand this is what 
produces the cup . 
          He further suggests a single needle penetrated all the way to the 
core, directly along the center line of the hammer, 2 stitches or so, back 
around the way lower shoulder, say 3 and 4 o'clock, to reduce the stress 
which allviates the cup.  (Roger if you see this, correct me if my 
understanding of this is flawed)
        If the cup is removed by "facing them up" at the factory, doesn't 
this mask the reality that there is still the inner, tension through the 
center and the sides have less tension? Wouldn't it "disguise" the hammer as not 
needing "cup relief" needling, when it really does? 
Reading, PA

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