[pianotech] re. Charging by the Job or the Hour

Ed Foote a440a at aol.com
Fri Jul 23 17:53:38 MDT 2010


>>What do you consider to be the nearest equivalent, established 
trade/profession we could use to compare time/wage ratios?"

Well, there are a number of trades, (don't forget the ladies, just using the "man" for convention...) that can easily run $50-150 per hour.  
Watch repairman, clock repair, copy machine technician, hydraulic systems repairman, auto mechanic, organ builder/tuner, recording console engineer, furnace repairman, guitar repairman, saw filer(lost skill trade), 
          I know that few of the above work on equipment that costs as much as a new high-quality grand, but then again, how many piano techs make a good living tuning and repairing $1,000 spinets, $2,000 consoles and mid grade uprights?  Most techs, that's who.  
We are not quite unique, just rare. 

  Ed Foote RPT

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